Sunday, April 12, 2009

the in-laws

Easter with the future in-laws. Each time we visit them I am glad they live a few hours away. I am sure I will have a change of heart when I have children and no relatives nearby to help out.


  1. Nope, you won't have a change of heart. If you don't like them now, you're not likely to develop affection for them later.

    My advice... RUN!

  2. Being the in-law that my son-in-law does not like, I have a slightly different take on this. My daughter and I have a strained relationship since I divorced her dad and unfortunately that means he does not much care for me either. So, I see my grandson maybe once a month and I live in the same city, about 15 minutes away. I don't call and pester them; I know they don't want me around, but I sure wish I could see my grandson more.

    I think your blog might be a good way to handle your in-laws. Sometimes when I am with difficult people, trying to find a funny way to write the story makes it more bearable. If they are truly awful people, it will be nice to have that validation from other people, but if they are just run of the mill pests, you might learn to tolerate them being around.

  3. It's not that I don't love them. I absolutely do. They just annoy me sometimes. They invited themselves along on our one weekend getaway this summer. How could I tell them that I don't want them along? Also, I just feel like I can't relax at their house. His mother is constantly talking and she is incredibly ditzy and it drives me nuts. She will ask the same rediculous questions over and over almost as if she just likes to hear herself talk. What makes it worse is that I seem to be the only person who notices this! No one even says "You just asked that exact question 10 minutes ago.". She loves to be center of attention and I feel like that is why she is always talking. She doesn't have any mental disorders or anything (other than the ditziness), so that's not it. I am just utilizing my blog as a way to deal with these frustrations that are over things that are truly inconsequential.

    Thanks for your comments!
