Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Fear of the Unknown

I am a person who needs a creative outlet. I mean I really, truly need one. If I don't have a way to do something creative, I start getting antsy and anxious and I get a little depressed. My problem is that there is no consistency in my creative outlets. Sometimes it is cooking, which is a good one because I have to eat so I might as well be creative with it. But sometimes this just isn't enough. Two outlets I have been using lately are card making and jewelry making. I love both.
The card making is out of necessity due to a particular event that I am preparing for. It is fun and fulfilling. However, I have mixed feelings about cards. When I receive cards (store bought ones) I throw them away (in recycling of course). I do not like to give cards - I feel like they are a waste of paper and resources. So once this event that I am preparing for has passed, I will most likely not make cards any more except for very special occasions.
The jewelry making I absolutely love. I have been doing this on and off for about 15 years. This is probably the most fulfilling way for me to be creative. My problem with it is that it can get expensive. I love it though and think that the expense can be justified in that I am providing myself a type of therapy along with creating jewelry that I would otherwise be replacing with store bought items. I have considered - no actually the correct word is dreamt - I have dreamt of making and selling jewelry. Selling my creations would allow me to be even more creative because I would not only be making jewelry to fit my particular style, but also the styles of others. The expense of the hobby might also be paid for if I were to do this. I just have not had the guts to JUST DO IT. I think about it and dream about it, but never take any steps toward doing it. I guess I just don't know where to begin and the fear of the unknown is holding me back.

1 comment:

  1. I still have some cards from Christmases over 25 years ago. If you are sending cards you made with something you wrote inside, I think that is a wonderful gift in itself. I would not consider that a waste.

    I used to love to play with jewels and beads and crystals. I made ornaments out of them as gifts for friends and family. They are still around and I am amazed when I look at them now how detailed they are. But I am not a jewelry wearer, so I can offer no advice as to the jewelry enterprise. My sister sells Cookie Lee and all I can think is that is a waste of her limited resources.

    The nice think about the internet is you can sell something online and have limited inventory, so the expense is kept to a roar. When someone is truly inspired and creative, what they create is usually beautiful, too. My friend's daughter is selling knitted hats online and seems to be doing well so far.

    I would say give it a shot. Go online and investigate how you might sell your stuff. Take some beautiful pictures. Good luck.
