Monday, March 9, 2009

It's a Dog's Life...

How refreshed I am by the simplicity of a dog's happiness. He can be on cloud nine just simply by having a loving hand to pet his belly. The highlight of his day is an energetic game of fetch or tug. He finds true beauty in nature and stops to enjoy every single smell. He has no concept of being late for work and will not be hurried on his walk because you are - and it is a nice reminder that there is so much more to life than your time clock. Sleep is never difficult for him because his head does not fill with worry or doubt. Chewy raw hides and hollowed out bones with a smidgen of peanut butter are absolute heaven. All he needs is love and trust and he will return both unconditionally. You just know that when he looks into your eyes, that he can see your soul and he never, ever judges you.


  1. My dog Timber is a huge blessing to me. He follows me wherever I go, and he definitely views me as the pack leader. He is smart, fun, delightful and beautiful to look at. God knew what He was doing when He made dogs!

  2. My dog Dona (She was Mexican so there is a squiggle over the "n") had such a sense of humor . . . lol . . . her ears were so soft and velvety . . . she loved me like only a dog can. She died February 14, 2009 as I held her in my arms.

    I sure do miss her. The house is empty . . . but I still expect her to be here when I turn around from my computer.

  3. I know for a fact that my dog knows when I am sad. He will come over so calmly and lay his head on my leg or shoulder. He is normally pretty happy-go-lucky and playful, and he will snuggle with me if I lay on the floor. But when I am sad, he is different. I know that he senses it and is trying to comfort me. And it works.

  4. dogs r such sweethearts!

  5. I wish I could be your pets~! I love the antics of my dogs but I am definitely not a pack leader. You may convert me yet.
