Thursday, March 19, 2009

We have exactly enough time, starting now

I recently sat in on a viewing of Thomas L. Friedman's talk in Washington D.C. about his book Hot, Flat, and Crowded. This book is definitely on my to-read list. Please watch this video. It is about an hour long, but it won't feel like it. If nothing else, at least look at the first slide...

The statistics really make you think. One of the statistics Friedman shares is that by the year 2020, there will be one Billion (emphasis on the "B") more people on the earth. Friedman talks about what this addition to our population will do to our supply of resources - especially if we don't change how we live. Ok, there is quite a bit of controversy about "global warming", which should really be referred to as "climate change" (the book/video supports this as well). My thought is - forget about Global Warming, Climate Change, Global "Weirding", or whatever you want to call it - even if that is all a hoax, we have got to do SOMETHING! Our planet simply cannot support our current standard of living for much longer. So I am probably often called a "tree-hugger" or a "hippie-dippie", but I truly believe that we ALL have a responsibility to take care of this earth that was given to us as a gift that has the ability to support life. The planet actually has the ability to support life indefinitely if we just take care of it rather than deplete it of it's life supporting elements. I urge all to at least watch this video, and if it moves you as it has moved me, you will want to read the book.

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