Monday, February 9, 2009

hi, this is me

My whole life, I have been told that I am beautiful. When I was a little girl, people would tell my parents that I was beautiful; when I was a preteen and teen I was told all the time that I should get into modeling. I have never felt like this person. It's not that I feel ugly - I don't feel UGLY, necessarily. I just do NOT feel beautiful. I have certain features that I know are pretty - my hair and my eyes. But I have acne, I have dandruff (if I don't use the right shampoo), I have stained teeth from coffee and cigarettes (which I do not smoke anymore), I have small boobs and a poochey belly, I have flabby arms and I have thigh cellulite.

I have never had the confidence of a "beautiful girl" either. I have always felt socially awkward, like I never quite fit in with any "clique" or "social set". I am not girly enough, sporty enough, nice enough, outgoing enough, snobby enough, rich enough, poor enough, smart enough, dumb enough, or anything enough to fit in anywhere. No matter what group of people I am with, I am just a little bit different. Just enough that I just don't quite fit.

So this is me. Average, common, nothing special.


  1. I hear you.
    When I read who you are through your posts . . . It is quite obvious that you are a human being, expressing your self beautifully.
