Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Politics in the Workplace

Ok, I just want to start by saying that I love my job. I work for a great company that does A LOT for it's employees and I work with a bunch of good people. BUT (I know you were expecting that) so many of the people I work with are just plain clueless.

My immediate supervisor (aka My Boss) is such an arrogant, self righteous ass. He is the kind of person that always needs validation and always needs to be "right". If you have an idea that you bring to the table, he will talk around it and bring it back to something he thought of. How insecure must he be that he can't just say "That's a good idea, I'm glad you thought of it. I am going to let you implement that idea in whatever way you think is best."????? He just can NOT allow someone to have a thought that he didn't think first or allow someone to do something without having a better way of doing it.

Some of the other people I work with are these far right conservatives that have no clue when it comes to politics or current events. They simply regurgitate rhetoric, rumors, hearsay, and propaganda and seem to honestly believe that what they are saying should be taken as FACT. I am not the type to talk about something as if I am an expert when I have not taken the time to research the topic. Some of these guys will go on and on about how a particular issue is "a farce" and "a political ploy" and other buzzwords that you might hear if you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or some other far right idiot on a daily basis. Yet, if you ask them why they think that, they have no REAL reason. The only explanation they can give you is that this is what makes sense or this is what "so and so" says. Well then - if your EXPERT and HIGHLY EVOLVED intuition tells you that scientists are just plain wrong, it must be correct!

But what can I do? Like I said, I love my job. I go to this place every day and pretend to have no interest in politics so that I do not have to partake in these ridiculous conversations. I say that I did not watch the debates or the inauguration or the latest address just so that I do not have to hear what anyone has to say about it. If they only knew....

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