Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dreaminess of Fog

Oh, how I love a foggy morning! Fog has such a spell-like effect on me. I just love the way it diffuses the light of street lamps to make them look as if they were taken right out of some oldy mystery show where the narrator is the detective and he has this masculine and respectable sound that makes you feel like he would protect you from anything. When the fog lays thickly on the ground, like a soft snuggly blanket that you could laze around all day in, I have a hard time convincing myself that this is actually not such a great idea. Fogginess makes me feel like I am living in a dream-world where everything moves slowly and there is never anything important enough to warrant quick movement. I love how it makes landscapes look like paintings by Monet. When I go downtown on a foggy morning and the tops of tall buildings are lost in the fog, I get this feeling that I could probably just climb out one of those windows way up toward the top and just sit atop of the fog and watch cars and people down below. The moist-mistiness of a good dense fog feels as if it is cleansing me when I walk through it. All sounds seem distant when you are moving through this dream world. After one of those foggy-lazy days, I wonder what my life would be like if every day were like that.


  1. Magical moments are rare.

    They are precious. Sometimes they are foggy and misty.

    Once that happened to me at the beach just south of Marineland, Fl. around 1990. Sharon and I were just getting acquainted . . . later we were lovers. She wanted to drive her own car in case I started acting like her previous man. That way she could kick me out of the car and rapidly leave the area (I call it hauling ass).

    The day turned into magic. The beach is one of the rare Florida beaches where large coquina formations dominate the beach. You can see them at Washington Oaks State Gardens, Florida.

    The mist rolled in from the Atlantic ocean . . . it was cool, almost chilly at times . . . we walked across rock formations and beaches . . . fog . . . mist . . . swirling . . . clearing . . . misting . . . ocean . . . no one else . . . just us two . . . holding hands . . . magic . . . unforgettable . . . I have not seen her in decades . . . I love her like it was yesterday.


  2. Our situation is so similar. Fog has a very firm hold on my thoughts too. I love the fog on my window glasses. I gently create anonymous characters on the glass with my fingers and rub them violently with the palm. It feels good :-)

  3. Komal - the best kind of therapy is the kind you create for yourself! :)
