Thursday, February 12, 2009

religion, or lack thereof

I do not believe in god(s). I do not believe in a "higher power". I would never consider myself to be "dark" or "edgy", I just don't see the logic in religion. I think that religion is a great thing, because it makes a lot of people happy and brings people together. It gives so many people a reason to be "good" people. But I still don't see the logic. The best way that I know how to explain what I believe is to say that I believe in nature and science. I believe that nature is so incredibly complex and perfect and that everything in nature effects everything else. I believe that the things that cause us to ask "why would this happen to me?" are self inflicted pains and injuries. I believe that if all people were good to all of nature, so many of the worlds problems would not exist. There are things in nature that are difficult to accept; things such as cute little furry creatures getting eaten by slithery, scaly scary looking creatures. But I am OK with every piece of nature having it's place and role to play. I guess that is easy for me to say because I am not prey.....


  1. We are all prey.

    Modern day predators hide their predation within human skins and business practices.

  2. LOL - yes, that is true. I don't mean to offend if you did not mean that to be funny... But it just struck me so.
