Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have always been an extremely organized person. I love to organize and categorize and list and coordinate and make sure things are just so.

My friends and family often laugh at my closet. All likes together - skirts, then pants, then tanks, then short sleeves, then 3/4 sleeves, then long sleeves, then dresses. There are also subcategories: button downs, tunics, professional attire, casual attire, etc. I do not categorize by color. I probably would, but once I have everything categorized into subcategories, there isn't necessarily enough variety of color in each subcategory to further subcategorize. LLB is the only one who doesn't laugh. And he is the complete opposite! If I did not exist, his closet would be filled on a first come first serve basis with no particular place for each item. He is so wonderful though - not only does he put my clothes away in the "right place" when he does laundry, but he does this in his own closet as well. When I do laundry, I automatically put his clothes away in this manner; but it is not because I demand it be so - it is because my mind just does things that way. I would have to make a conscious effort to NOT put things away "in order".

Numbers are also a large part of my thinking format. I count everything - steps, chews, people in lines, letters in words... It is not a must; if I am carrying on a conversation, I do not think about counting. If I am listening to music, I do not need to count. But if I am just going along all alone with time to allow my mind to wander - it just counts. I also number things. The numbers do not necessarily have any meaning. They just help me to organize the items that I am writing down. I love to read recipes and I get a bit uncomfortable with recipes that do not number the steps.

So this brings me to my love of lists.

I came across a blog that made me think "Do I have a split personality alter ego that I do not know about that also blogs?". The blog is The Secret Society of List Addicts. How did I find it? Oh, well how do you find blogs? I read in a blog that I follow that the writer basically came across it in the same way that I did - by reading about it in another blog. I could map out a diagram of how this transpired, but I will refrain and just give credit to Happy Hour...Somewhere for leading me to this blog-o-lists that I am now addicted to.


  1. Hee, hee. I love it. I need to find the blog that has the post about a lady who organizes her closet very much like you do. I am definitely a crammer. I cram it in and hope it fits~!

    I am in love with numbers but in a slightly different way. They fascinate me. Oliver Sacks has a book with a chapter about twins who are "idiot savants" but who can calculate prime numbers to a power that it would take a computer to do. How does the human mind do that?!!

    I love your posts.

  2. I count my footsteps. It doesn't happen all the time but I find myself counting them under my breath, almost like in the background. And if I stop walking, I'll resume counting where I left off. Hmmmm...

  3. I think I might drive myself insane if I perform calculations of complications that would normally require a computer! I would be calculating everything, everywhere! That's amazing.
